Propeller retrofitting
Changed operational profiles with varying speeds often lead to non-optimal propeller designs on existing vessels. These propellers have typically been designed for maximum speed and low cavitation. An upgrade to a high-efficiency propeller can reduce the overall fuel consumption.
Applicability and assumptions

Improved efficiency for retrofitted propeller, source: DNV GL
Propeller retrofitting is suitable for all vessel types and ages with slow steaming, especially container and large vessel series. The exchange of the propeller with an upgraded design assures operation at peak efficiency. Included with the price of the propeller itself, a complete analysis to recommend the best-suited propeller for highest efficiency is also included. An engineering analysis should be conducted utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Cost of implementation
The cost of propeller retrofitting with CFD analysis and a new propeller is assessed to be in the range of $400,000 to $500,000 (USD).
Reduction potential
This measure typically makes the most sense when combined with additional improvements on machinery and the achieved reduction potential is assessed to be in the range of 2% to 5% on main engine fuel consumption.
Other References
- DNV GL ECO Retrofit / Overview of different retrofit options
- DNV GL Energy efficiency finder / Holistic approach to finding applicable energy efficiency measures to a specific vessel type
This Energy Efficiency Technologies Information Portal was developed in cooperation with DNV GL.
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