
Activities of the Low Carbon GIA are collectively decided upon by its membership, and its work is organized into several workstreams, each with a different focal area and lead by a different Workstream Lead from among the GIA Members.

    Ship and Port Efficiency (SPE)

    Workstream Lead: Ms. Lisa Gustin, Stena

    The objective of this workstream is to support the uptake of energy efficiency technologies (EETs) and operational best practices on ships and in ports, and supports the implementation of resolution MEPC.366(79) which encourages voluntary cooperation between port and shipping sectors to contribute to reducing GHG emissions from ships.

    The workstream aims to identify key barriers to the uptake of technologies and operational best practices, such as data transparency, and develops tools to contribute to removing and addressing those barriers.

    Workstream outputs and ongoing activities:

    • E-learning Course: Introductory Course on Energy Efficient Ship Operations
      This course provides a general introduction to how the maritime industry can reduce its environmental carbon footprint through practical measures to save energy on board.
    • E-learning Course: Energy Saving at Sea
      This course, primarily aimed at seafarers, covers detailed practical measures that can be taken by the Engine department and Deck department on board ships to save energy in their day-to-day operations.
    • Video Series on EEXI and CII
      A series of videos (between 5-20 mins) covering various aspects of the recent MARPOL Annex VI amendments, the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index and the Carbon Intensity Indicator.
    • A Practical Guide to the Selection of Energy Efficiency Technologies for Ships
      This publication has been developed as a How-to-Guide to assess performance data from hull and propeller EETs, together with an accompanying practical tool (CGS) to support the assessment of EET performance claims by grading various analysis methodologies with an associated level of confidence.
    • Revision of the existing Energy Efficiency Technologies Information Portal and Appraisal Tool
      Both tools, which aim to provide general information and indicate the potential impact of ship energy efficiency technologies, are being updated to reflect the most recent developments, information and regulations.
    • Energy Efficiency Technologies Roundtables: Wind Propulsion Technologies (WPTs)
      A series of roundtables on WPTs are being organized and hosted by the Low Carbon GIA to gather experience from those who have installed wind-propulsion technologies, with a view to developing a practical guide for the application of these technologies.
    • Ship-Port Interface Guide – Practical Measures to Reduce GHG Emissions
      This publication outlines several low-cost measures which port stakeholders can implement to facilitate emission reduction from ships. The publication describes how the measures work, as well as barriers and potential solutions to their implementation.
    • Ship-Port Interface Measures Portal
      Based on the above-mentioned Guide, the ship-port interface measures portal has been developed, converting its contents into an online format, together with experience shared by ports on implementing the measures.
    • Just In Time Portal
      Based on the Just In Time Arrival Guide, developed and published under the GloMEEP Project, the workstream have developed an online portal, pooling together all the existing products and informational materials on Just In Time, including video animations, and materials developed by the International Taskforce on Port Call Optimization (ITPCO).
    • Just In Time Arrival: Emissions reduction potential in global container shipping
      This study explores the potential emission reduction impact of JIT arrival within the global container shipping sector. The study uses AIS data to reconstruct containership voyages which took place in 2019 and analyzed the impact on CO2 emissions, should those voyages have been optimized to arrive JIT.
    • Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) – A port and terminal perspective
      This flyer provides information on the carbon intensity indicator (CII) regulation which rates ships according to their operational carbon intensity and how it could potentially impact ports and terminals.
    • Practical step-by-step process for JIT implementation: Flyer
      This activity includes the development of a step-by-step process, which is port agnostic, for the implementation of JIT, against which local port processes can be mapped.
    • Practical step-by-step process for JIT implementation: Video animation
      Based on the above-mentioned process, a short video animation will be produced to provide an overview/explainer.

    Alternative low- and zero-carbon fuels (AF)

    Workstream Lead: Mr. Robert Masse, MSC

    The objective of this workstream is to identify and contribute to removing key barriers to the uptake of alternative fuels. The barriers can be broadly divided into four areas:

    • Ensure safe application of alternative fuels
    • Enabling production and building infrastructure
    • Developing and maturing on-board solutions
    • Ensure that alternative fuels are sustainably sourced

    Workstream outputs and ongoing activities:

    • Sustainability criteria and life cycle GHG emission assessment methods and standards for alternative marine fuels
      Undertaken by Ricardo Energy and Environment, this study mapped existing standards, regulations and calculation methods and tools, covering Well to Tank (WtT) and Tank to Wake (TtW) emissions. The study aimed to understand the coverage of this governance infrastructure and its applicability to marine fuels.
    • Roundtables on the certification of alternative marine fuels
      As a follow up to the study above, the workstream organized two roundtable meetings exploring in more detail, the certification of alternative marine fuels. The first roundtable focused provided an introduction and overview to certification – the process, relevant schemes in general, while the second roundtable included representation from certification schemes such as RSB, ISCC and CertifHy.
    • Exploring the need for Book and Claim for scale-up of alternative fuels
      Following on from the above-mentioned roundtable discussion, the workstream is focusing on the concept of Book and Claim, which is widely considered crucial for the scale up of alternative low and zero-carbon fuels, both in terms of uptake and use, but also new investments into the required infrastructure. Recognizing that there are knowledge gaps with respect to the subject matter, the activity is focused on awareness raising and will consist of a series of roundtable meetings and dialogues with stakeholders.
    • Regulatory mapping of alternative marine fuels
      This mapping exercise provides an assessment of how alternative marine fuels and energy converters feature in key IMO Conventions and regulatory instruments and aims to inform and support IMO member States and the wider maritime sector in identifying and addressing potential regulatory challenges that could be encountered when considering the use of a particular alternative marine fuel.

For any questions relating to the Low Carbon GIA workstreams and their activities please contact the GreenVoyage2050 PCU using the Contact Us form.