About the Low Carbon GIA

The Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping (Low Carbon GIA) is a public-private partnership, established under the framework of IMO GreenVoyage2050, that aims to bring together maritime industry leaders to support an energy efficient and low carbon maritime transport system. Leading shipowners and operators, classification societies, engine and technology builders and suppliers, big data providers, oil companies and ports have joined hands under the Low Carbon GIA to collectively identify and develop innovative solutions to address common barriers to the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency technologies, operational best practices and alternative low- and zero-carbon fuels.

Activities of the Low Carbon GIA are collectively decided upon by its membership, and its work is organized into several workstreams, each with a different focal area. The current workstreams of the Low Carbon GIA are:

For more information about the specific workstreams, please consult our page on GIA Workstreams.

The Low Carbon GIA is governed by the GIA Taskforce, comprised of representatives of the members, which serves as the strategic advisory body of the group and collectively takes decisions on what activities to undertake under each workstream. The Chair of the Low Carbon GIA TF is elected from the membership on a rotational basis, the current Chair of the GIA Taskforce is Mr. Tore Longva, DNV. Overall, the Low Carbon GIA is supported by its secretariat (the Project Coordination Unit of GreenVoyage2050).

Activities of the Low Carbon GIA are funded by the GIA Fund, which consists of annual membership fee contributions from each member. The specific allocation of funding to each workstream is decided by the GIA Taskforce.

The Low Carbon GIA was originally established in 2017 under the GEF-UNDP-IMO GloMEEP Project. Following the completion of the GloMEEP Project in December 2019, the Low Carbon GIA was re-established and continues to operate under the framework of IMO GreenVoyage2050.