E-Learning Courses

The following courses have been developed by the Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping to help raise awareness of maritime energy efficiency.

The courses are free to access on the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnerships (UN CC:Learn) e-Learning platform, through its affiliation programme, which aims to enhance global climate literacy through dissemination of high-level learning products that complement UN CC:Learn resources.  Click here to find out more about UN: CC:Learn.

Introductory Course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation

Do you want to find out what ships can do to reduce GHG emissions?

This course will help you better understand how the maritime industry can reduce its environmental carbon footprint through practical measures to save energy on board. The course is divided into two modules:

  • Module 1 – Greenhouse gases and energy efficiency in the maritime industry
  • Module 2 – Practical ways of reducing energy use at sea

    Click here to access the course.

  • Energy Saving At Sea

    How can the shipping industry be more energy efficient?

    This course, primarily aimed at seafarers, covers detailed practical measures that can be taken by the Engine department and Deck department on board ships to save energy in their day-to-day operations. The course is divided into two modules:

  • Module 1: Energy saving by the Engine department
  • Module 2: Energy saving by the Deck department

    Click here to access the course.