About IMO GreenVoyage2050
The overall goal of IMO GreenVoyage2050 is to support implementation of the IMO GHG Strategy (Resolution MEPC.377(80)), and in particular, provide support to developing countries in their efforts to reduce GHG emissions from ships. The IMO GHG Strategy sets out a clear vision and levels of ambition, one of which is to reach net-zero GHG emissions from ships by or around, i.e. close to, 2050 compared to 2008. For more details on the IMO GHG Strategy and regulatory background, please consult our page on The Issue.
It is envisaged that the project will strengthen MARPOL Annex VI compliance, facilitate sharing of operational best practices, catalyze the uptake of energy efficient technologies and explore opportunities for low- and zero-carbon fuels.
GreenVoyage2050 aims to achieve this by supporting partnering countries to:
- Undertake an assessment of maritime emissions in the national context;
- Develop policy frameworks and National Action Plans (NAPs) to address GHG emissions from ships;
- Draft legislation to implement MARPOL Annex VI into national law;
- Assess emissions and develop port-specific emission reduction strategies;
- Identify opportunities and deliver pilot projects, through the establishment of public-private sector partnerships and mobilization of financial resources;
- Access funding and investments into energy efficient technologies; and
- Establish partnerships with the industry to develop new and innovative solutions to support low carbon shipping.
Component 1 – Developing global tools to support implementation of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy
GreenVoyage2050 is addressing the specific needs for an “enabling environment” for maritime GHG mitigation efforts first; and then translating them into national maritime policies, strategies, roadmaps and national action plans in-line with the national priorities and obligations regarding MARPOL Annex VI, the Initial IMO GHG Strategy and Paris Agreement. This involves the development of the global tools, training packages and guidance documents.
Component 2 – Capacity building, policy and NAP development
GreenVoyage2050 is carrying out capacity building at two levels. At the national level, the project supports the Partnering Countries to build their human and technical capacity to meet the energy efficiency requirements under MARPOL Annex VI and the Initial IMO GHG Strategy. To this end, this component enhances awareness and capacity to ratify, implement and enforce MARPOL Annex VI, operational and design energy efficiency measures in the partnering countries. At the global level, capacity building relates to dedicated technical cooperation activities on topics such as alternative fuels, addressing emissions at the ship-port interface, developing National Action Plans and identifying pilot projects, their development and implementation.
Component 3 – Strategic partnership development
The objective of this component is to link up with relevant initiatives and organizations and establish partnerships to ensure the effective implementation of the project aims and objectives. This includes partnerships with the industry (through the established Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping), and other Strategic Partners who can share experience and bring expertise and additional resources to support the project.
Component 4 – Technology cooperation, innovation and pilot demonstrations
Under this component, the project is supporting several partnering countries to identify potential pilot project opportunities to reduce emissions from shipping, which could include piloting of new technologies, innovative operational practices and fuels. The project is supporting these countries to develop the pilot project further, and provide assistance in access to funding for implementation.
The project builds upon the experience of other IMO-executed projects such as the GEF-UNDP-IMO Global Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project (GloMEEP Project) which supported participating countries to accede to and effectively implement MARPOL Annex VI as well as the IMO-EU GMN Project which has established a global network of maritime technology cooperation centres, delivering capacity-building activities on energy efficiency.