Cargo handling systems (Cargo discharge operation)

Piping systems on an oil tanker

Piping systems on an oil tanker, source: DNV GL

Crude-oil cargo discharges are high energy consuming operations driven by complex machinery systems and the operation involves people in different locations on the vessel. Model-based techniques are utilized in order to assess the performance and improve the operation of the discharge system (from boiler’s primary energy conversion to cargo pumps discharge) based on actual measurements from a discharge operation. This model-based study will include assessment of the overall performance based on an analysis of discharge operational data. Based on the results, it is suggesting improvement strategies and estimation of their potential in savings.

Applicability and assumptions

This measure can only be applied on crude-oil vessels with steam turbine driver cargo pumps, for all ages. These are mainly installed on Aframax or larger tankers. The quality of the results depends heavily on the quality of the measured/transmitted data from the vessel.

Sketch of simulation model

Sketch of simulation model, source: DNV GL

Cost of implementation

Including implementation and a monitoring phase the total cost of a project is in the range of $15,000 to $25,000 (USD).

Reduction potential

Depending on the starting point, e.g. how well the operation is optimized before, the total fuel reduction on boiler consumption is in the range of 5% to 15%.

Other References

  1. An integrated modelling framework for the design, operation and control of marine energy systems. / Dimopoulos, G.G. and N.M.P. Kakalis / 2010
  2. Modelling and optimisation of an integrated marine combined cycle system. / Dimopoulos, G.G., C.A. Georgopoulou and N.M.P. Kakalis /2011
  3. Modelling and simulation of marine scrubbers: impact on engine performance / Georgopoulou, C.A., G.G. Dimopoulos and N.M.P. Kakalis / 2011
  4. A validated dynamic model of the first marine molten carbonate fuel cell / Ovrum, E. and G. Dimopoulos / 2011
  5. Towards a model-based assessment of hybrid marine energy systems / Stefanatos, I., G. Dimopoulos, N.M.P. Kakalis and K.B. Ludvigsen / 2012

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This Energy Efficiency Technologies Information Portal was developed in cooperation with DNV GL.

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