GreenVoyage2050 supports National Action Plan development in Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands Maritime Authority (SIMA) with support from GreenVoyage2050, hosted the third National Task Force (NTF) meeting on 24 January 2024 which focused on the development of a National Action Plan (NAP) to address emissions from the domestic shipping fleet.
Participants of the Solomon Islands NTF, which includes shipping owner/operators, national port authority, government ministries and educational institutions, also considered ongoing work on the Rapid Assessment, a document which provides an assessment of the national maritime sector, as well as a baseline of maritime emissions from the domestic fleet. The purpose of the Rapid Assessment is to inform the development of the NAP to ensure that any actions taken are appropriate and measured.
During the NTF meeting, participants identified priority areas and actions to be included in the NAP, such as how data gaps can be addressed, improvements to fuel consumption data collection, training for crew on energy efficient ship operations and improvements in port efficiency.
Further information on National Action Plans to address GHG emissions from ships can be found here